Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Process to Start a Healthcare Business in Dubai

The process to Start a Healthcare Business in Dubai

The steps for starting a healthcare business are as follows:

1. Decide the Company Structure

You first need to decide the company structure. It is important to select a corporate structure based on the number of shareholders as well as the capital to be invested at the initial stage.

2. Reserve the Company Trade Name

Secondly, you need to decide a trading name for your company. It is to be noted that the name shouldn’t be offensive, and should be unique. Once you decide the company name, you need to take the required approvals from the Dubai Government Authorities.

3. Select a Strategic Location

The location of business is extremely important in terms of its future success and growth. Selecting the right location would help you to generate huge revenue. Additionally, Dubai has got specific areas like Mainland, Free Zones and Offshore that follows particular rules regarding company incorporation.

4. Apply for the DED Approval

The next step is to identify the Shareholders and the General Manager of your company. The application forms will be submitted to the Department of Economic Development Dubai (DED) along with their passports and the legal documents of the shareholders.

5. Apply for DHA Approval

Along with the DED application, you also need to contact the Department of Health Authority (DHA) of Dubai to get approval to perform the business activity. They will drill down to identify the business activities that will be carried out by the organization, and after proper scrutiny, they will approve.

6. Draft the Relevant Documents

You need to prepare documents like Memorandum and Articles of Association that includes relevant information regarding the business activities. These documents are required to present to the Government Authorities to obtain the required licenses and approvals.

7. Obtain the Final Approval from DED

Once the incorporation documents get complied with the other rules and regulations, final approval will be issued by the DED, following which you will be given the licenses.

8. Obtain the Relevant Licenses

The last step after approval is to issue the license to carry out the business operations. If you are planning to start a clinic, you need to obtain a clinic license in Dubai. Once the relevant licenses are obtained depending upon the business activities, you will be able to carry out the business operations in a legal way.

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